Support for Your Child
School Counsellor
The School Counsellor is one of the support personnel attached to the school for one day per week. The School Counsellor is a teacher with additional training as a psychologist. If teachers or parents are concerned about a child they may refer them to the School Counsellor. Parent consent is always obtained prior to students seeing the counsellor. The counsellor uses a variety of interview techniques or assessments to determine why the child is experiencing difficulty (academically, socially, or behaviourally). The counsellor always provides feedback to parents and staff and works closely with them to develop appropriate follow up strategies.
Learning and Support Program
The DoE provides additional resources to help schools cater for students who require additional support. Our school has a Learning and Support Teacher (LAST) 3 days per week. The LAST works with class teachers and the Learning Support Team to help teachers cater effectively for the diverse needs of students in their class. Our school has a small allocation of funding, (approximately 8 hrs per week), to employ a School Learning Support Officer (SLSO) to support the implementation of targeted programs.
Funding Support
SLSO's are also employed to assist teachers to support the learning of students with some moderate to severe identified disabilities. The provision of SLSO hours is determined by State Office personnel who evaluate the support needs of students, based on their Access Request Application. Please speak to the Principal or your child's teacher if you believe your child will require additional support.
Community Nurse
Vision and hearing screening are arranged through the community nurse. The Community Nurse can be contacted through the local Community Centre at Rosemeadow.
Aboriginal Students
Students with an Aboriginal background often have additional opportunities available to them. Please be sure to let us know if your child has Aboriginal heritage.
Parent Participation
Appin Public School welcomes parental assistance and involvement. This includes parents assisting in classrooms, cultural and sporting activities, special programs for children, covering library books, helping with student banking, canteen and supporting our P&C. If you have any special talents which could assist children in their learning, or simply wish to "help out" in some way please contact your child's teacher.
Visitor's Badge
Whenever you visit the school to help during the day, please sign in at the office and collect a Visitor's Badge to wear whilst in the school. Please note that Department Policy requires any person who works or volunteers in a school, to complete a "Prohibited Employment Declaration" form, which will be filed in the office. At Appin Public School we also ask parents to sign a "Confidentiality Agreement" as well.