Appin Public School

Telephone02 4631 1220

School Routines

School Routines

School Bell Times

9:00 School begins

10:50 Lunch eating time begins

11:00 Lunch play time begins

11:30 Lunch play time ends

1:30 Recess play time begins

2:00 Recess play time ends

3:00 School finishes

The School Playground

Our school is fortunate in that it has a large playing area for the children.  All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 play in the same areas during lunch and recess time. Students are encouraged to play with their peers, rather than their siblings as it encourages the development of friendships, which will hopefully be sustained throughout their time at school. Teachers are rostered to supervise students in the playground. We supply some equipment such as balls and skipping ropes for students to play with. Students are also able to bring balls from home (clearly labeled with their name). The Library is open two lunchtimes a week for children to visit if they wish.


All students participate in Sport. Sport usually takes place on a Friday and students are able to wear their sport uniform. Some students in Years 3 to 6 participate in Winter PSSA sport, playing games against students from other schools.

K-6 Assemblies

Assemblies provide an opportunity for children to perform in front of an audience. A combined K-6 assembly is held each FridayEach week the school Ministers host the assembly. Students alternate presenting an item (such as a song, dance, poem) or displaying work they have completed in class. Assemblies also provide an opportunity for children to be acknowledged for their effort or achievement. Children from all classes are presented with awards at assemblies. Parents are welcome to attend.

'Meet the Teacher' Night

'Meet the Teacher Night' occurs early in Term 1 and provides parents and teachers with an opportunity to discuss the school curriculum and issues relevant to the class in which your child is placed. For obvious reasons, the needs of individual students are not discussed in such a public setting.

Special Religious Education (SRE) 

Clergy and lay teachers visit our school each Wednesday.  Please ensure, upon enrolment, that you have nominated the SRE group you wish your child to attend. (Either Catholic, Protestant or Non-Scripture).

Parents and Citizens Association

The P&C meets at 7:30pm on the 4th Tuesday night of the month in the Library. Days and times are advertised in the School Newsletter. P&C is a great way to find out about what is happening in your child's school, to meet other parents and to assist in fundraising to purchase resources that make school a more interesting and comfortable place for students. New parents are very welcome to attend. No experience necessary!


Expectations about homework and home reading increase as students get older. Homework and Home Reading are not compulsory, but strongly encouraged. All students will be provided with access to computer software to support their learning, which they can access from home. Access to a home computer will be beneficial. Even when no specific homework is set it is great to keep your eye out for informal opportunities to help your child at home with reading, spelling and maths.  Your personal interest makes all the difference.

Home Reading

Please support us in establishing the habit of reading at home each day. We will teach your child to read, and but the amount of independent practice they do will have a big influence on their success. Your child will be encouraged to borrow ‘home readers' from the classroom each week. Please do not stress about the level of the text your child is reading. This will vary according to the skill being practiced. We will encourage them to select books that are ‘easy' to read, as home reading should be fun!  Parents are also encouraged to continue to read to their children, even after they become independent readers. This provides not only a wonderful role model, but also provides an informal opportunity to help expand their vocabulary and further develop their comprehension skills.

Excursions/Cultural Activities

These are of great benefit in widening a child's experiences and are an important part of the educational program.  All parents are urged to make it possible for their children to attend these programs. All excursions have a special permission note which must be signed by parents and returned to the school Office to enable the children to participate. To ensure that your child doesn't miss out, please return permission notes and money by the specified date. The class teacher will sometimes invite parents to act as additional supervisors on excursions. Your assistance in this situation is greatly appreciated.